"; if ( !IsSet($_SESSION['per']) ) { $_SESSION['per'] = array( '(none)','fzE','foE','fxE','fzF2','foF2','fxF2','COSCHI','FMXE','HMXE','SHE', 'FMXF','HMXF','SHF','bTEC','tTEC','aTEC','rTEC','VXF','VYF','VZF','PQF','VMF','VBF','VXe','VYe', 'VZe','PQe','VMe','VBe','mFZE','sFZE','mFOE','sFOE','mFXE','sFXE','mFZ2','sFZ2','mFO2','sFO2', 'mFX2','sFX2','FkHZf','kmRTRf','kmZTRf','kmXTRf','kmYTRf','dgTAZf','dgTPOf','msVHOf','dgVAZf', 'dbATRf','JLLf','HTRf','SIAf','SIBf','CHFf','BAVf','NSF2f','SPINf','SPAMf','FkHZe','kmRTRe', 'kmZTRe','kmXTRe','kmYTRe','dgTAZe','dgTPOe','msVHOe','dgVAZe','dbATRe','JLLe','HTRe','SIAe', 'SIBe','CHFe','BAVe','NSF2e','SPINe','SPAMe'); $_SESSION['per_m'] = array( 1=>'Z-mode E layer critical frequency', 'O-mode E layer critical frequency', 'X-mode E layer critical frequency', 'Z-mode F layer critical frequency', 'O-mode F layer critical frequency', 'X-mode F layer critical frequency', 'cosine of solar zenith angle', 'E layer maximum plasma frequency', 'E layer height of maximum', 'E layer scale height', 'F layer maximum plasma frequency', 'F layer height of maximum', 'F layer scale height', 'bottomside part of TEC', 'topside part of TEC', 'total electron content (TEC)', 'topside/bottomside ratio for TEC', 'F layer horizontal velocity (+ East)', 'F layer horizontal velocity (+ North)', 'F layer vertical velocity (+ up)', 'F layer Doppler variance expressed', 'F layer velocity orthogonal to magn. field (+ North)', 'F layer velocity along magnetic field (+ up)', 'E layer horizontal velocity (+ East)', 'E layer horizontal velocity (+ North)', 'E layer vertical velocity (+ up)', 'E layer Doppler variance expressed', 'E layer velocity orthogonal to magn. field (+ North)', 'E layer velocity along magnetic field (+ up)', 'Z-mode spread E mean frequency', 'Z-mode spread E ΔN/N', 'O-mode spread E mean frequency', 'O-mode spread E ΔN/N', 'X-mode spread E mean frequency', 'X-mode spread E ΔN/N', 'Z-mode spread F mean frequency', 'Z-mode spread F ΔN/N', 'O-mode spread F mean frequency', 'O-mode spread F ΔN/N', 'X-mode spread F mean frequency', 'X-mode spread F ΔN/N', 'F layer mean plasma frequency', 'F layer mean virtual range', 'F layer mean real height', 'F layer mean echolocation (+ West)', 'F layer mean echolocation (+ South)', 'F layer echoes mean azimuth angle', 'F layer echoes mean polar angle', 'F layer mean horizontal velocity', 'F layer mean horizontal velocity azimuth', 'F layer mean echo amplitude', 'F layer number of phase SF lags fitted', 'F layer mean scale height', 'F layer phase SF index SIA', 'F layer phase SF index SIB', 'F layer m.s. residual of phase SF fit', 'F layer weighted mean noise/sygnal ratio', 'F layer number of structure values in lag 1', 'F layer irregularity spectrum index', 'F layer ΔN/N for 1 km', 'E layer mean plasma frequency', 'E layer mean virtual range', 'E layer mean real height', 'E layer mean echolocation (+ West)', 'E layer mean echolocation (+ South)', 'E layer echoes mean azimuth angle', 'E layer echoes mean polar angle', 'E layer mean horizontal velocity', 'E layer mean horizontal velocity azimuth', 'E layer mean echo amplitude', 'E layer number of phase SF lags fitted', 'E layer mean scale height', 'E layer phase SF index SIA', 'E layer phase SF index SIB', 'E layer m.s. residual of phase SF fit', 'E layer weighted mean noise/sygnal ratio', 'E layer number of structure values in lag 1', 'E layer irregularity spectrum index', 'E layer ΔN/N for 1 km'); $_SESSION['per_iz'] = array( 1=>'MHz','MHz','MHz','MHz','MHz','MHz',' ','MHz','km','km','MHz','km','km', 'TECU','TECU','TECU',' ','m/sec','m/sec','m/sec','%','m/sec','m/sec','m/sec','m/sec','m/sec','%', 'm/sec','m/sec','MHz',' ','MHz',' ','MHz',' ','MHz',' ','MHz',' ','MHz',' ','kHz','km', 'km','km','km','deg','0.1 deg','m/sec','deg','dB',' ','km',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','kHz','km', 'km','km','km','deg','0.1 deg','m/sec','deg','dB',' ','km',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' '); } if (IsSet($_POST['database_submit'])) { //choise: ionogram, 2D-plot, SQL-querry $_SESSION['typ']=$_POST['typ']; unset($_SESSION['dat']); unset($_SESSION['que']); } ?>

You may either display one of the resources that you requested earlier using the list below, or request a new resource. The resource selection procedure consists of several steps, accomplished below.

0) { ?>

List of Requested Resources

Type Station Resource Description Time of Request Display Delete
6) $c_str+=4; else $c_str+=3; } if ($object[$i]['type']==="Iono") $c_str+=1.3; } if ($c_str>11) { ?>

0) { echo '

'; echo '  unnecessary resources from the list:  '; //echo ' All  '; //echo ' Requested Before'; echo ' All...   or   '; echo ' Requested Before  '; echo ''; if ( isset($er_res) ){ echo ''; if ($er_res==='1') echo "Date string is empty"; if ($er_res==='2') echo "Check date format"; if ($er_res==='3') echo "Date is incorrect"; //echo '

'; } echo ""; } ?>

Select New Resource

Step 1. Select type of resource:
"; $_SESSION['day']=$_POST['day']; } if ( IsSet($_POST['database_submit']) or IsSet($_POST['Submit1']) ) { // Station and type are already choosen we need to choose date if( !isset($_SESSION['year']) ) { $yes = mktime (0,0,0,date("m") ,date("d"),date("Y")); $_SESSION['mon'] = date('m',$yes); //echo "no year month=".$_SESSION['mon']."
"; $_SESSION['day'] = date('d',$yes); $_SESSION['year'] = date('Y',$yes); } ?>
Step 2. Select year, month and day:
Step 3. Select ionogram from the list of available for :